Author: Devendra Tamang

Till date, Dota 2 has a roster of 124 different heroes, with new ones still being added to the game. These heroes can be categorized into three levels of complexity: High, Medium and Low. All of these heroes are unique to each other and have different learning curves. If you are new to the game, then you should avoid picking the heroes in the high-complexity hero pools. Additionally, the game is going to be much more accessible if you avoid these heroes for your first 300 hours of the game. Here is an updated list of high-complexity heroes in different…

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Ganking and Warding go hand-in-hand together, setting up the stage for epic team fights between the attacker and the defender that Dota 2 is renowned for. Ganking allows you to secure and ward objectives around the map, whereas warding allows you to set up or evade an enemy gank. Both maneuvers require strategic planning and proper communication to be executed successfully. For example, Ganking relies on a combination of different factors, such as the hero you pick, along with its items and timings for it to be successful. Conversely, Warding can be used to provide vision on the map or…

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Although Dota 2 has received many updates and changes over the years, its core gameplay of lanes and roles still remains the same. If you’re a newcomer, it is important that you understand the concept of lanes and roles, as these are very crucial for enjoying the game fully. So what are lanes? Well, lanes are the different paths spread across the map that connect the two ancients. Here, you will play as a team of heroes and battle against the creeps and the enemy team. Depending on the lane that you prefer to play on, you have the option…

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Getting a good understanding of the keys and button customization in Dota 2 is one of the many ways to get better at the game. The game offers the option to bind most of the keyboard keys and mouse buttons. However, there are also some keys whose primary function are set by default and cannot be changed. These keys (except for the Alt key) have no sole function and does nothing when they’re pressed. They are only useful when they’re used together with other keys. Let’s discuss both of these in this article. Bindable Keyboard Keys Bindable keyboard keys can…

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