Author: Nikhil Pradhan

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Nikhil started his gaming journey ever since he got his hands on the original PSP 1000. Games like Metal Gear, God of War, and Grand Theft Auto, Final Fantasy are titles that really got him into video games. Over the years, he has moved on to PC gaming and has continued his journey as a gamer. Although he's got a Bachelor’s degree in Computing under his belt, his passion for writing and gaming has led him to become a gaming writer. He loves talking about video game lores, making guides about finding rare kinds of stuff, and explaining game mechanics. He mostly specializes in writing about single-player games like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Legend of Zelda, Dark Souls, and Pokemon, but He has also spent countless hours in MMORPG titles like Warframe and Destiny 2. Currently, He enjoys looking for the hidden gems in the video game industry, i.e., indie games. In the rare occasion when not gaming or writing about them, you’ll find him obsessing over the latest video game stories, releases, and also learning more about video game lores.

Enchanting is fun and a very powerful mechanic in Skyrim when used correctly. It’s a process where you apply magical effects on your gear to make you even more powerful and deadly. You can make swords that can deal elemental damage, craft boots that can make you more proficient at sneaking, or make jewelry that can make you better at bartering. There are three essential items you’ll need to perform enchanting, A non-enchanted weapon or armorAn enchantment spell to apply to your gearA filled soul gem to power the enchantment process Once you’ve gathered the necessary items, head to an…

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The Daedrice prince Hermaeus Mora created Black Books and hid knowledge and powers forbidden for humankind. Reading a Black Book will pull the reader’s life force to Apocrypha, the realm of the Daedric prince Mora. It is also said that the readers who can read the book without becoming mad are granted immense powers. realm of the Daedric prince Mora There are seven Black Books in Skyrim, scattered over Solstheim. You can find the books by completing quests for NPCs and exploring the dungeons in Solstheim. Keep reading as we’ll talk more about all the book’s locations, acquisition methods, and…

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Although Enchanted weapons are remarkably good at dealing damage compared to regular weapons, there’s a catch to it. Enchanted weapons generally have a weapon charge bar that gets depleted every time you land a hit on an enemy. After the charge gets depleted completely, your enchanted weapon will no longer deal with the special enchantment effects and will instead act like a normal weapon. To regain the bonus effects of your weapon, you must recharge it. The process to recharge your weapon is pretty simple. You’ll need a filled soul gem to use on your depleted enchanted weapon. The amount…

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Besides looking cool and getting enchantment bonuses, Jewelry is best utilized when sold for gold coins. They’re high-value items that are relatively easy to gather if you frequently explore dungeons and ruins. In addition, if you’ve followed our guide to leveling up smithing quickly, you might have as well stacked lots of jewelry. Unless you already have the Merchant perk, you can’t sell jewelry to any random merchant. Only a handful of merchants accept jewelry items, such as General Goods Merchants, Court Wizards, Khajit caravans, Jewelers, and Fences. We’ll go over details on selling your jewelry, the best merchants, and…

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The guards in Skyrim are very diligent at their work. If you’re caught pickpocketing or accidentally hitting a chicken, they will hunt you down and make you pay for it. The only way out is to either pay the bounty, stall it for a while or serve jail time. The bounty system in Skyrim is a familiar game mechanic where every crime you commit adds a bounty to your name. The amount of bounty will depend on the severity of the crime. Crimes such as lockpicking have the lowest bounty of 5 gold, whereas a murder will raise the bounty…

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If you’re all about dungeon diving and exploring ruins, you’ll know how important lockpicks really are. Dungeons and Dwemer ruins are filled with treasure chests containing high-level loot, which makes it more likely you’ll run out of lockpicks while prying open a master or expert-level chest. It’s not difficult to scavenge lockpicks. In fact, they’re common miscellaneous items that you can find easily in the game while exploring and looting. But if you want to stack up on lockpicks, you can buy them in bulk from most vendors in the game. Let’s Discuss ! Buy Lockpicks From Merchants You can…

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Skyrim is not always about fighting and adventuring, it’s also about taking time to interact with the in-game characters and learn more about their backstories. Although the game has aged well even after a decade, the same can’t be said about the graphics, especially the looks of the characters. We’re already spoiled by the realistic character design and graphics from other triple-A titles, and compared to them, the characters in Skyrim look plain ugly. That’s where mods come in. We’ve already covered how you can improve the graphics of the game and make it look current or even next-gen. So…

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There are over hundreds of weapons and armor that you can craft in Skyrim. But most of them require you to be at a higher smithing level. You can increase your smithing level in multiple different ways. The most consistent way to increase your level is by spending time crafting items and upgrading them. Alternatively, you can also buy smithing skill levels from trainers or experts for gold septims. If you rather prefer the free route, you can read smithing skill books.  You can further increase the rate of leveling up your smithing by stacking multiple skill improvement bonuses and…

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Since Skyrim is a decade old game, it’s not surprising that the game looks a bit outdated graphically. This has put off many players from trying out or playing Skyrim as they are more accustomed to the graphics of next-gen AAA titles.  But unlike other games, Skyrim has a very active modding community. The mods for Skyrim can change the graphics, sounds, weapons, armor, locations, you name it. The possibility is endless. For this article, we’ll be specifically talking about the graphics of Skyrim. There are countless high-quality visual overhaul mods that can elevate the game’s graphics and bring it…

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Horses are essential if you want to explore the vast land of Skyrim. They have a higher movement and sprinting speed, allowing you to traverse through the lands quickly. There are times when you can’t find your horse after dismounting them at random places. Instead of looking for them, wouldn’t it be much more convenient to call your steed to your location? Well, unfortunately, there isn’t an option to call your horse in the vanilla game. But hold your horses because you can still teleport or summon them to your location with the help of fast traveling or by installing…

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