Author: Nikhil Pradhan

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Nikhil started his gaming journey ever since he got his hands on the original PSP 1000. Games like Metal Gear, God of War, and Grand Theft Auto, Final Fantasy are titles that really got him into video games. Over the years, he has moved on to PC gaming and has continued his journey as a gamer. Although he's got a Bachelor’s degree in Computing under his belt, his passion for writing and gaming has led him to become a gaming writer. He loves talking about video game lores, making guides about finding rare kinds of stuff, and explaining game mechanics. He mostly specializes in writing about single-player games like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Legend of Zelda, Dark Souls, and Pokemon, but He has also spent countless hours in MMORPG titles like Warframe and Destiny 2. Currently, He enjoys looking for the hidden gems in the video game industry, i.e., indie games. In the rare occasion when not gaming or writing about them, you’ll find him obsessing over the latest video game stories, releases, and also learning more about video game lores.

Diablo 4 offers one of the most comprehensive multiplayer experiences amongst similar titles. You can play online with a group of four friends or opt-in for a split-screen couch co-op session with your buddy. You can form a party with your friends to take down difficult bosses, farm rare loot, clear out dungeons, or experience the entire campaign together.  So, how soon can you expect to play Diablo with your friends? Well, the good news is, you can join your friends as soon as you create your character and set foot in the Sanctuary.  Adding Friends Before you can start…

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In any ARPG title, we generally focus on building our character around the offensive stats to clear enemies as quickly as possible, and Diablo is no different. For the offensive stats, players normally deal with Main Damage, Critical Damage, Vulnerable Damage and Damage over time. Overpower damage is a new type of damage that is independent of the rest of the types. Rather than relying on the offensive stats of your character, overpower damage depends on your defensive stats.  The Overpower System In Diablo 4, enemies become more resistant to your attacks as you reach higher levels. It reaches a…

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Every time you start a playthrough with a new character in Diablo 4, you’ll need to set a difficulty level. Oftentimes, selecting the wrong difficulty can halt your progress, or playing the game can be a bit boring if it’s too easy.  Thankfully, it is not something you need to worry about. In fact, you can easily change the difficulty level in the character selection screen, or if you’re already in-game, then you can even use the World Tier Statue. Let’s dive in ! Via the Character Selection Screen Changing the World Tier from the character selection screen is the…

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While dungeons are the most fun way to farm for loot and experience points, they can also become tedious if you dont know how to leave them. Whether you want to salvage your excessive loot or grind up a few levels before taking out the boss, backtracking your way out of the dungeon is the last thing you’ll want to do. Instead, a much better way to leave the dungeon is by using the Leave Dungeon shortcut from the Action Wheel menu. You can also use the Town Portal skill to fast travel your way out of the dungeon. Let’s…

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In Diablo 4, every class has a unique class mechanic that sets them apart from each other. Just like the weapon-switching mechanic of the Barbarian class, Necromancers have the Book of the Dead ability that allows them to raise the dead. I.e., Skeletons and Golem. Golems are an amalgamation of numerous skeleton minions, and they usually have a larger health pool and damage output capability compared to the rest of the minions. The Bone Golem, in particular, is the first one out of the three Golems that you can get in the game. You can summon the Bone Golem by…

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Similar to most live service games, you don’t have to worry about manually saving your progress in Diablo 4. The game continuously saves and synchronizes your progress on their servers in real time.  That being said, if you still prefer to remain on the safe side, you can always save your progress manually. Just trigger the save function by closing the game from the in-game option. Let’s discuss ! Triggering the Auto-Save Whenever you choose the quit game option in any online game, it triggers the auto-save function and saves all the progress you’ve made in that session. You can…

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Dungeons are the go-to place to farm rare loot, gems as well as experience points. Although there are numerous dungeons in the game, some dungeons are better to run through because they have lots of enemies or a favorable layout, or sometimes both. So, unless you’re looking to get some Aspects, it’s best to run through a good dungeon (like Anica’s Claim) repeatedly instead of switching to a different one. This is where resetting the dungeon comes in very handy. It refreshes all the enemies and the progress for you to run through it again. There are a few different…

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In games like Diablo 4, where grinding for better loot is the main appeal, hoarding junk items is not worth your time and effort. While salvaging your obsolete gear is the best way to clear your inventory space, you can even earn upgrade materials, and unlock transmog doing so.  You can salvage your item over at the Blacksmith. Here, you can either hand-pick individual items or salvage them in groups.  Let’s get into it. Salvaging Items Separately The most basic way to salvage your gear is to do it manually. You can pick the item and compare its stats to…

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Emotes are a quick way to convey your reaction or expression with other players via animation and sound effects. They are equally fun to use in any online multiplayer game. Currently, there are 13 different emotes (14 if you get the Ultimate Edition) available in the game. Cheer is one such emote you can use from the Action Wheel. Alternatively, you can also assign the emote to a hotkey to use it quickly. Let’s Discuss ! Via the Action Wheel The Action Wheel is a small radial menu where you can assign shortcuts for your consumables, emotes, social interaction options as…

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In Diablo 4, Aspects are unique perks that either come with legendary gears or as a reward for completing dungeons. You can use the Aspects on your rare or even legendary gear at the Occultist to make them stronger. Unlike upgrading your gear, Aspects do not increase the innate stats of your gear. Instead, they’re a special bonus effect that you can imprint on your gear to either actively or passively help your gameplay. For example, You can imprint the Aspect of Disobedience on your helm to make your character more robust, or you can apply the Accelerating Aspect on…

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